Business and Social Security

The necessary regulations are made by labor law in order to return and regulate the rights in the working life covering the entire production activities. If the principles of labor law are not adopted in accordance with the rights of both workers and employers, the exploitation of the labor of workers occurs.

Salary Case

The amount to be paid to the employee for the work to be put forth by the employee and the owner shall be determined in written or oral form. If this wage is not paid within the time limits set by law, employees may sue for the receipt of their receivables.

Seniority and Notice Indemnity Claim

If the employer takes out the worker for any reason, or if the worker comes out of the business by reason of these reasons, a case may be filed in which the employee will receive severance and notice compensation under the labor law in order to claim the claims. As a result of the case, the entitled amount is paid.

Return to Work

After the employer has removed a worker, the employee can file a case to ensure that he or she is returned to work. The conditions required for opening the case are that the employer has the number of employees specified in detail in the employer´s blood and that the employee has to work with him for a period of time.

Lack of Support After Work Accident

If, after any work accident, the persons become disabled or incidents resulting in the death of the employee occur, then the relatives of the victim, who are the victims, may sue the employers. The cause of the case is that the person who is obliged to look after the employee is incapacitated and the lack of support the resultant person.

Worker Service Detection Case

If the employer does not inform the official institutions of the activities carried out in accordance with the orders they give to their employees, it is possible to open business law cases. Based on contracts between workers and employers, employees may apply to Social Security Institutions to ensure that pensions, severance payments and other receivables are collected. If the employer is found to report incomplete working times, then a service detection case can be opened.

Our Services for Business and Social Security Law

* Opening and follow-up of notices, seniority and reinstatement
* Opening and follow-up of cases related to mobbing and malicious indemnity
* Disbursement and calculation of overtime pay and annual paid leave
* Counseling on issues to be taken into consideration about worker and workplace safety
* Counseling on the protection of the rights of employers and employees
* Establishment of contracts in accordance with current legislation
* Follow-up of cases of injury, death and incapacity of employees
* Flawless responsibilities of the employer for employees and third parties
* Performance degradation, economic reasons and justifiable reasons for the termination of employment contract